Randy Boyd’s blog: popular sections

HIV-P.O.V. – Life from the point of view of a longtime survivor of HIV/AIDS.

Trikke Stories – Randy Boyd writes about one of his favorite passions, Trikkes.

The Obama Files – Reflections on the first black president of the United States, as seen through the eyes of a black American born five months after President Barack Obama.

When in Doubt, Pet the Dog – A memoir, column or journal thingy about life with my dog, a golden mutt named Boomer.

Jockin’: Homos in Sports – Former Outsports.com contributor Randy Boyd goes to bat for homos.

Race Relating – Black man bearing witness to the great racial divide in America, circa his lifetime.

Cheer Up – My life as a black, male, college cheerleader for both the USC Trojans and UCLA Bruins in the 1980s.

Randy Reprinted – The previously published works of Randy Boyd, including essays, short stories and other articles.